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XC68EN360FE25B, Foston Technology Co., Limited - Inventory

Foston Technology Co.,Limited is a distributor which is dealing with electronic components including Digital logic, amplifier, calculation, memory, radio frequency and video use, signal changing, signal route and adjusting, use regularly, the power control...... Integrated circuit of semiconductor. my company Acting CADEKA full lineup for the series, CLC. SPT. TMC. Such as KH. Cadeka companies fro...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
XC68EN360FE25B QFP MOT 42 20+ in stock original
XC68EN360FE25B QFP240 MOTOROLA 1 20+ original
XC68H812A4CPV8 QFP112 MOTOROLA 1 20+ original
XC68HC11COCFU2 QFP MOT 25 20+ in stock original
XC68HC11FC0CPU4 QFP80 MOTOROLA 2 20+ original
XC68HC11K0CFN3 PLCC MC 45 20+ in stock original
XC68HC705D9CFN PLCC MC 286 20+ in stock original
XC68HC711E20CFN PLCC MOT 7 20+ in stock original
XC68LC040FE33B QFP184 MOTOROLA 13 20+ original
XC68LC060ZU50E BGA MOTOROLA 2 20+ original
XC68LC302PU16B QFP100 MOTOROLA 6 20+ original
XC68LC302PU25B QFP100 MOTOROLA 8 20+ original
XC6SLX16-2FTG256I BGA256 XILINX 1000 0 20+ original
XC6SLX9-2TQG144C TQFP XILINX 1200 0 20+ original
XC7451ARX800CE BGA MOT 20 20+ in stock original
XC7451RX700RE BGA MOT 6 20+ in stock original
XC7455ARX1250PE BGA MOT 30 20+ in stock original
XC7455ARX1250PF BGA MOT 20 20+ in stock original
XC7455BRX1250EF BGA MOT 27 20+ in stock original
XC7455BRX1250PF BGA MOT 50 20+ in stock original

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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