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SPCA536APB111, Foston Technology Co., Limited - Inventory

Foston Technology Co.,Limited is a distributor which is dealing with electronic components including Digital logic, amplifier, calculation, memory, radio frequency and video use, signal changing, signal route and adjusting, use regularly, the power control...... Integrated circuit of semiconductor. my company Acting CADEKA full lineup for the series, CLC. SPT. TMC. Such as KH. Cadeka companies fro...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
SPCA536A-PB111 BGA SUNPLUS 47000 20+ in stock original
SPCE061A PLCC SUNPLUS 1000 20+ 1-2days original
SPD6729QCE QFP INTEL 20 20+ in stock original
SPE05-30R Module TDK 31 20+
SPE12-16R Module TDK 57 20+
SPE24-8R4 Module TDK 65 20+
SPEVER-36 QFP INTEL 1140 20+ in stock original
SPEY4542-480 PLCC CINVENSYS 39 20+ in stock original
SPF-2086TK SMT86 SIRENZA 5000 0 20+ original
SPH05-10R Module TDK 14 20+
SPH05-20R Module TDK 251 20+
SPH12-4R2 Module TDK 30 20+
SPH12-8R3 Module TDK 18 20+
SPHE8202K-A QFP SPHE 9 20+ in stock original
SPI-50X3S240-2 Module SANYO 50 20+
SPL03-10R Module TDK 18 20+
SPLL782 Module VARIL 138 20+
SPM12-8R3 Module TDK 100 20+
SPM12-8R3-1 Module TDK 100 20+
SPM20G601H Module EIG 326 20+

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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