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SACT32420, Foston Technology Co., Limited - Inventory

Foston Technology Co.,Limited is a distributor which is dealing with electronic components including Digital logic, amplifier, calculation, memory, radio frequency and video use, signal changing, signal route and adjusting, use regularly, the power control...... Integrated circuit of semiconductor. my company Acting CADEKA full lineup for the series, CLC. SPT. TMC. Such as KH. Cadeka companies fro...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
SACT32420 Module 30 20+
SAE800G SOP INFINEON 10 0 20+ original
SAF7118H QFP PHILIPS 234 20+ in stock original
SAF82525NV2.1 PLCC SIEMENS 10 20+ in stock original
SAF-C165H-LF V1.3 QFP INFINEON 206 20+ in stock original
SAI01-V1 SOP4 SANKEN 6000 20+ in stock original
SAK-C167CS-LM QFP-144 INFINEON 100 0 20+ original
SAM977-TQ TQFP DREAM 203 20+ in stock original
SAMSONGF308A DIP 21 20+ in stock original
SAP09NY TO3PL-5 SK 5 0 20+ original
SARS03 TO220 SANKEN 3906 0 20+ original
S/AT4805-18-8 Module IPD 18 20+
SAU63X75-S/PT AIRTAC 124 0 2020 original
S-AV17 TOSHIBA 2 0 20+ original
S-AV24 DIP TODHIBA 1 0 20+ original
SB1060FCT TO220 PEC 2000 20+ in stock original
SB20324-UC Module 18 20+
SB21150AC QFP208 INTEL 22 20+ original
SB21150BC QFP208 INTEL 4 20+ original
SB24S05/4000Z Module 30 20+

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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