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218S4EASA32HK, Foston Technology Co., Limited - Inventory

Foston Technology Co.,Limited is a distributor which is dealing with electronic components including Digital logic, amplifier, calculation, memory, radio frequency and video use, signal changing, signal route and adjusting, use regularly, the power control...... Integrated circuit of semiconductor. my company Acting CADEKA full lineup for the series, CLC. SPT. TMC. Such as KH. Cadeka companies fro...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
218S4EASA32HK IXP400 SB400 BGA ATI 100 20+ original
218S4EASA33HG IXP400 SB400 BGA ATI 40 20+ original
218S4PASA12G IXP450 SB450 BGA ATI 223 20+ original
218S4PASA12K IXP450 SB450 BGA ATI 170 20+ original
218S4PASA14G IXP450 SB450 BGA ATI 18 20+ original
2198-C1015-ERS Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-C1015-ERSx1 Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-C4007-ERSx1 Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198CAPMOD2240 Allen-Bradley 5 22+ 1-2days original
2198D032ERS3 Allen-Bradley 8 22+ 1-2days original
2198-D032-ERS3 Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-DB80-F Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-E1015-ERS AB 336 0 19+ original
2198-H015-ERS Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-H025-ERS Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-H040-ERS Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-KITCON-DSL Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-P141 Allen-Bradley 83 21+ in stock original
2198-TBIO AB 336 0 19+ original
220CNQ015 Module IR 112 20+

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